Forestville Hockey Club and Unley High School are collaborating with a diverse team of specialists.

Project Partners

MOTO Projects

Moto Projects have been engaged to provide project management services including the management of professional firms to help design, plan and cost this project. Specialist consultants Rider Levett Bucknall, URPS, Dash Architects and other specialist consultants have been engaged to support the project.

Polytan Australia

Polytan Australia, a leading supplier of sports playing surfaces, has been engaged to design and construct the all-weather sports field, fencing and lighting systems.

DASH Architects

DASH Architects have been appointed to lead the design team and prepare detailed design for the site and proposed buildings. Their work, including site investigations and the preparation of concept plans and design documentation, will support the Planning and Development Application process.

DASH have engaged key sub-consultants to develop the design and complete independent reports. Sub-consultants include Lucid Engineers, CIRQA traffic engineers, Sonus acoustic engineers, Landskap landscape architects and Tree Vision arboricultural consultants.

Concept Plans

Draft concept plans for the multi-sport pitch are now available, as well as the indicative images.

The purpose of the draft concept plans and images is to demonstrate the development is well-considered and feasible, and enables community members to see what is proposed.


Technical investigations and reports support the draft concept plans. These investigations have been undertaken by independent professional companies who are experts in their respective fields.

Parking and Traffic

Licensed traffic engineering firm CIRQA has investigated the potential impacts on local traffic and parking at the site.

CIRQA’s parking and traffic assessment has confirmed that there will be little or no change in traffic during existing peak periods associated with school set-down and pick-up times.

The volume of traffic associated with training and matches at other sports clubs within Adelaide is in the order of 50 vehicles, out-of-school-hours. This is about the same number of cars entering and parking at the school for Unley Cricket Club’s use of the school oval during its summer season.

Existing school entry/exit access points on Kitchener Street as well as the school’s existing 177 on-site parking spaces will be made available for users of the pitch.

Visiting clubs and schools will be instructed to use the existing carpark on the school grounds, minimising on-street parking on local roads.


Acoustic consultants Sonus have conducted an environmental noise assessment.

Taking into account the proposed hours of operation, a comparison of possible noise levels from comparable facilities was undertaken.

Using specialised computer modelling software anticipated noise levels were determined to not exceed the limits stipulated in the South Australian Planning and Design Code as applicable to community facilities. This was even tested to double the anticipated number of spectators on the site, and still did not exceed limits.


Arboricultural consultant, TreeVision, was engaged to assess trees and vegetation at the site.

No significant trees will be impacted by the development.

Environmental Aspects of Artificial Turf Surfaces

Manufacturers of synthetic surfaces have had to adapt and manufacture product that better meets community expectation, including product performance, sensitivity to the environment and recyclability. As a consequence, we commissioned a review of up to date peer reviewed literature to provide a current perspective.

Read A review of recent research and findings on the environmental aspects of artificial turf surfaces by Dr Sasja Beestra-Hill MSc (Environmental Health Sci) PhD (Pharmacy).

Engagement Report

As part of its planning and development process the Forestville Hockey Club undertook a number of communication activities including a survey to gather public feedback on ways the development could be improved.

This resulted in a number of changes made to both site operating arrangements and design factors such as:

  • Inclusion of plastics filtration traps at all drainage points around the pitch surface to reduce risk of microplastics escape to the storm water system, and

  • Closing off direct access to the facility from the western boundary to reduce risk of traffic congestion on Kyre and Seafield Avenues.